development, History in Letters, projects, Uncategorized / September 12, 2014

Using: Articy Draft

Organizing a big project, especially one with a bigger story, can sometimes be a bit chaotic.
While we still like to use the good ol’ “papers and post-its everywhere!” method for rough ideas, we also wanted to find a way to organize everything in a clean, digital way and useable for everyone here in our office.
This also made it possible to easily edit details or attach comments to something unclear, without messing up our neatly written post-its 😉
That’s why we decided to use Articy Draft for this project.

The challenge with “History in Letters – The Eternal Alchemist” was that we actually have more than one way how the story evolves throughout playing.
So next to organizing one big story we also had to find a neat way to organize all the decisions the user can make and the ways the story can change because of that.
On top of that it’s possible for others to leave a comment in the document in case something is unclear or should be discussed in detail later, and even if something changes we can easily tweak the document to be up to date again.
Also, unlike with traditional ways, now several people can work at the same file at the same time (of course with a few restrictions).

Next to organizing the in-game story itself it also helped us to store the characters’ biography, locations, items and especially the dialog.
Considering that for each scene, or part of a scene, we usually have several dialog options it’s very convenient to be able to store and organize the dialog that way.
I’m sure we will keep on using Articy Draft for future projects too.