Dev Blog, news / March 3, 2021

Meet the developer: Christopher Schreiber

In our blog series “Meet the developer” you get the chance to learn more about our developers. In our third episode, our junior programmer Christopher Schreiber answered a few questions. Enjoy!


Christopher Schreiber

Job title:

Junior Programmer

How long have you been working at Z-Software?

Since September 2019 (including my internship)

How did you come to Z-Software?

Friends of Andreas said I should apply.

What are you working on right now?

At the moment, I am working on the implementation of new vehicles, programming of menus as well as necessary functions for the
missions in ABPS3.

Which genre do you prefer in gaming?

Adventure, RPG, MMORPG and Platformer

On which platforms do you play?

PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS

Which programs do you work with?

Unity Game Engine, Visual Studio and Blender

How do you spend your lunch break?

With lunch and verbal exchange among work colleagues.

Why do you like working at Z-Software?

Because of the nice work colleagues and the small team, where no one is just a “number”, and everyone can contribute something to the success.

What makes a work place to a enjoyable work place?

Nice work colleagues and reasonable hardware.

Which feature in one of your games did you like the most?


Thank you for your insight, Christopher!


Stay tuned for the next episode of “Meet the developer”!!!